Book Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hover

After reading Maybe Someday I became addicted to reading Collen Hover books. So when Hannah said that Ugly Love is her favourite so far out of all the Colleen Hover books she has read I just had to read it next. I borrowed the book from Hannah and I have the exact same opinion as her. This book was incredible! *this review will be spoiler free*


Ugly Love is about a girl named Tate who moves in with her brother in his big fancy new apartment. He is a pilot and so are most of the other men in the building, including Miles, her brothers close friend and mysterious boy across the hall. Miles is a very closed off person but when Miles suggest a friends – or more like acquaintances with benefits relationship – she just can’t resist.

The book is told in dual points of view on different timelines and I just loved how well played out the story was in this format. The story could have fallen flat and been the same as any other new adult or even young adult contemporary but because of how she told the story and what happened made this book stand out to me.

The characters were very interesting to read from, Tate being the more outgoing and sarcastic one while in Miles point of view it is very poetic and well spoken. This gives a very interesting dynamic to the story and makes it easy to switch back and forth between each point of view.

The relationship is very interesting and also very cute. I can’t wait to see it played out on film! The fact that they have a FWB relationship but still show affection even right from the beginning just makes me squeal from the cuteness! tumblr_inline_n3z7i2zzq41rpm8wc

The only thing that I know some people wouldn’t like about this book but doesn’t really bother me or affect my rating of the book (within moderation of course) is the amount of sex that is evident in this novel.dylan6

Obviously going into this book, especially after I just explained the premise you should know that there will be adult themes in this novel. Plus is it a new adult book which is also a dead giveaway. Anyways, I’m not going to put an age limit on this book but I just think that if you are not comfortable with that kind of stuff I would stay away. Personally I think putting age restrictions on a book is silly, it should be how mature you are and if you think you personally can handle it. But thats just my opinion.

I can’t wait for the movie, and btw the teaser trailer for the movie comes out tomorrow! I am so pumped! I heard it was just a voice over type thing, I’m guessing with water in play of some sort.

Speaking of water! Omg I was so off for my cover review! Hannah texted me right after I posted my Cover Review and said she said the same thing about the water on the cover about it making things unclear and that you will understand at the end of the novel. And boy does that make sense to me now. I love how simplistic her covers are but they say so much, especially after reading the novel.

Overall I would give this book at 5/5 stars, I just couldn’t put it down and it was just soooo addicting! If you are interested in reading one of Colleen Hovers books I would suggest starting here if you are unsure. They are the read to midnight in one sitting type of books which is why i know its dangerous to start one of hers during the week. Hopefully this fairly short review helped to give you that extra push if you are still unsure.

Have you read Ugly Love? Let me know what you thought of it below!

Keep on reading….

Jordan 🙂

7 thoughts on “Book Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hover

  1. I haven’t read Ugly Love or actually any Colleen Hoover books yet, but I’m really excited to. I just bought Maybe Someday (glad to hear that’s good) and have the Hopeless duology in my TBR pile. I’ll have to add this to my TBR list!

    • Ugly Love, in my opinion is definitely one of the best Colleen Hoover books! I am sure that you will enjoy Maybe Someday, seeing as that was a good one too. I was not as crazy about Hopeless, and as a result I did not read the second book in the duology, but there are a lot of varying opinions on that book! If you are a fan of Mara Dyer and Colleen Hoover though definitely check out the Never Never Novellas – they are amazing!

      • I’m a bit behind my TBR pile and actually haven’t read The Mara Dyer trilogy yet, but thank you for the recommendation! I’ll have to add those novellas to my goodreads TBR so I won’t forget. 🙂

  2. I’m too obsessed with Colleen Hoover books! She’s my favorite author💜 I’ve read almost all of her books n ugly love is my second favorite so far. Isn’t she the best? I just freaking love her. I’m currently reading confess and I can’t wait to get my hands on never never!

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