Author Spotlight: Rick Riordan

If any of you guys have been following this blog lately, or even my 50 Book Pledge or Goodreads accounts, you will be aware of the fact that I have been binge reading Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series’. Jordan first got me reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief [Book One] and I was not planning on finishing the rest of that series, let alone the Heroes of Olympus series.

Rick is a middle-school English and History teacher turned author, and I could not thank him more for that change in career! The Percy Jackson and the Olympians books were a lot better than I expected them to be, and I am also thankful to Jordan for practically shoving the series down my throat when she came to the realization that I never read them! Rick is an author that has been a pinnacle for young readers since his first YA series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, was published. For an author to say that they have captured the minds of millions of readers is a feat in itself, but to say that you are a writer who has sprung up a whole new generation of avid readers is a whole new ball game. Rick writes cBioharacters that are immensely witty, and for that I thank him. In the wise words of J.K. Rowling,

Wit before measure is a man’s greatest treasure.

          – JK Rowling

I wholeheartedly love this quote, and yes I am a Ravenclaw. Though I love Ricks’ books, I am not as gung-ho about his books. I do not feel that they accurately encapsulate the story of the characters. There is so much lost in the move between literature to film that few can truly pull off a good adaptation, and sadly the Percy Jackson books are not one of them. Furthermore, I think that anyone who has ever had any interest in Mythology of any kind should definitely check out some of Rick’s work. Yes, I found the series to be a bit young for me, but that is because they are for the 9-12 audience. But they are highly entertaining and I have rediscovered my interest in Mythology in the first place. It is also great being able to connect certain things I have learned in past English classes and whatnot to what I am currently reading.

I am currently reading Rick’s Heroes of Olympus: The Son Of Neptune [Book 2] and am really enjoying the read. I am so glad that Percy is back, I missed him dearly.

Also, did you know that Rick is coming out with a new series? Well if you didn’t I am glad to inform you that he is! It is called Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard! Out of this world, huh (Get it?)! I wonder if Chris Hemsworth will be in the book? Anyway, there are rumours that Percy is going to be in it! Who doesn’t love Percy (besides all of the gods that don’t like him, namely Ares/Mars)! The series is set to come out on October 6th 2015, according to Chapters/Indigo!

Want to hear more from Rick? Check out these links…

Website     Biography     Twitter     Goodreads     Instagram     Facebook

Keep on designing your own catastrophe…


Blogmas Day 4: Harry Xmas to You

I’m assuming you have all read Harry Potter or have at least seen a few of the movies! So I am pleased to announce that some Youtubers are putting together a readawatchalongathon! Yes that is a very big word, but it is pretty much everything put together! The goal is to read all 7 Harry Potter Books, and watch all 8 movies in the month of December!

This was created by maureenkeavy on youtube and I think it is a fabulous idea! Here is her video below if you want to watch it: 

Here are all the times that everyone will be getting together to watch each movie and live tweet about it on twitter!

Movie Dates: (all movies will start at 7pm CST)
1 – Dec 5th
2 – Dec 9th
3 – Dec 12th
4 – Dec 16th
5 – Dec 19th
6 – Dec 23rd
7 part 1 – Dec 26th
7 part 2 – Dec 30th

And below are the youtube hosts that will be each be discussing a different book and each person will have their respective videos up the day before their movie is to be watched!

Katie // Channel: Twitter:
Sanaa // Channel: Twitter:
Dylan // Channel: Twitter:
Liz // Channel: Twitter:
Max // Channel: Twitter:
Raeleen // Channel: Twitter:

Also be sure to follow the Harry Xmas to You on twitter and use the hashtag #harryxmastoyou if you are participating on any kind of social media!

I personally will not be trying to read all the books but I am considering doing the live tweeting during the movies because I think that will be super duper fun! I might, if I have time try to read the first book to at least attempt to participate in this awesome readawatchalongathon. However, with so many books on my shelf and even more that I have promised authors I would read I just don’t think I will have the time!

Are you going to participating in this amazing athon? Let me know below!

Keep on reading…

Jordan 🙂

Fandom News: JK Rowling continuing with the Wizard World?

This past week out of no where JK Rowling decides to come on twitter a lot. No one understands why but someone anagram one of her tweets and this is what came out of it….

She was doing anagrams about Newt for the new movie and she posted that tweet. The anagram of it is…..

Harry returns! Won’t say any details now. A week off. No comment

I really hope this is true, I guess we will see very very soon if this is all real! What do you think she could write about? I NEED MORE BOOKS!

Keep on reading…

Jordan 🙂

JK Rowling Announces New Character

JK Rowling has announced that a new character will be added to the Potterverse Universe! She has blown our minds again ladies and gentlemen! Are we supposed to ever get over the Harry Potter Book Hangover when she keeps doing this to us! 

This time the new character is Molly Weasleys favourite singer.

tumblr_n59scs6YSl1s207suo3_250Here is a little more information about the character:

Internationally-acclaimed singing sensation Celestina Warbeck (sometimes known as ‘the Singing Sorceress’) hails from Wales. Her father, a minor functionary in the Muggle Liaison Office, met her Muggle mother (a failed actress) when the latter was attacked by a Lethifold disguised as a stage curtain.

Celestina’s extraordinary voice was apparent from an early age. Disappointed to learn that there was no such thing as a wizarding stage school, Mrs Warbeck reluctantly consented to her daughter’s enrollment at Hogwarts, but subsequently bombarded the school with letters urging the creation of a choir, theatre club and dancing class to showcase her daughter’s talents.

Some of Celestina’s best-known songs include You Charmed the Heart Right Out of Me and A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love. Her fans are usually older people who love her grandstanding style and powerful voice. The late 20th-century album You Stole My Cauldron but You Can’t Have My Heart was a massive global hit.

Celestina’s personal life has provided much fodder for the gossip columns of the Daily Prophet. An early marriage to a backing dancer lasted only a year; Celestina then married her manager, with whom she had a son, only to leave him for the composer Irving Warble ten years later.

Keep going on Pottermore because she releases stuff all the time!

Keep on reading….

Jordan 🙂