Jordan’s Monthly Update: December

This is the first post in this section covering what we have accomplished in the last month for reading. These will be bi-weekly switching back and forth between hannah and I.

These past few months have been slow for me reading wise. But I managed to get back into it a little bit. Here is what I read in December:

  • Gene.Sys by Aaron Garcia
  • Until Midnight by Melissa Landers
  • The Walled City by Ryan Graudin

I also started The Raven Boys but haven’t finished it yet.

In total I read 55 books in 2014 which means I completed my 50 Book Pledge. If you want to see what books I read last year click here.

I’m hoping to marathon the entire Raven Boys series, so 3 books that are out so far, before my exams start at the end of the month.

How many books did you read in 2014? Let me know what your favourite read of the year was!

Keep on reading..

Jordan 🙂