How to Overcome Reading and Blogging Slumps

If you ever take a look at my 50 Book Pledge Page or my Goodreads Page you know that my reading habits are sporadic and not confined to any type of schedule. Sometimes I marathon a series’ and other times I take my own sweet time reading them. I go through book slumps as the wind blows and overcome them in the same amount of time or less; it’s just how I roll you could say. And so I am here to educate you on how to overcome them as well.

Here are my 10 steps to Overcoming the Slump:

*Tip* If you are just trying to get over your reading slump then skip step 8 (or you can start a blog), and if you are a blogger then try these steps and see how they work for you!

1. Admit that you are in a Slump

2. Go on your kobo or kindle and look at the reading lists page

3. Pick a book that is under $5 and start reading it (normally these books are decently interesting, not at all challenging and fast paced- getting you back into the reading habit)

4. After finishing the book compare it to others you have recently read

5. After comparing them realize how much better the other ones are

6. Indulge yourself in one of those books that is sitting on your shelf that you have always had high hopes for

7. After finishing the book decide if it is good or bad

8. Blog about – rant about how it did not meet your expectations or testify about how great the book is and how you would recommend everyone and their mother to read it

9. Look at other peoples blog posts about the book

10. After that step take a trip to your local book store and get excited about the world of literature

Anyways, I hope that this set of steps helps you as much as it helps me. Which is quite frequently and with fluency 96% of the time. The other 4% is probably because I am addicted to House M.D., Teen Wolf or Supernatural and not much can help me to get out of those slumps but to finish the series or the shows that have already been released.

Anyway, keep on designing your own catastrophe…
